Nutritional Counseling
High-quality nutrition is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. Using a range of resources, from nutritional counseling, proven weight loss strategies, educational materials and supplementation, our trained professional staff will help you and your family make the most of your health through good nutrition.
Losing weight takes commitment and a well calculated plan.
- Physician Consultation
- Physical examination
- Measurement of weight, body fat percentage (BMI)
- Lab work-labs will be repeated every 3 or 6 months depending on patient history
- EKG- if determined necessary
- BP/Pulse Check
- Lipotrophic vitamin injection
- Weight loss RX
- Meal Plan
- Diet Journal/Caloric Tracking Grid
- Follow-up visit once a month $75.00
- Physical examination
- Continued Measurement of weight, body fat percentage (BMI)
- Refill Weight loss RX
- BP/Pulse Check
- Lipotrophic Vitamin Injection
- Review Diet Journal