Weight Loss

Weight Loss & Nutritional Counseling

Losing weight takes commitment and a well calculated plan. There are more than a few factors that account for unhealthy weight gain, some of these are decreasing muscle mass as we age, a decreasing metabolic rate, and decreasing ones daily physical activity to name a few. Weight gain could be also caused by certain medical conditions, diseases and even some medications. Our approach to weight loss is individualized and specific to each person’s needs and desires.

High-quality nutrition is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. Using a range of resources, from nutritional counseling, proven weight loss strategies, educational materials and supplementation, our trained professional staff will help you and your family make the most of your health through good nutrition.

Lose Weight Now… The Right Way… The Safe Way… The Healthy Way!

  • Physician Consultation
  • Physical examination
  • Measurement of weight, body fat percentage (BMI)
  • Lab work-labs will be repeated every 3 or 6 months depending on patient history
  • EKG- if determined necessary
  • BP/Pulse Check
  • Lipotrophic vitamin injection (Lipotropic compounds are those which help catalyze the breakdown of fat during metabolism in the body)
  • Weight loss RX
  • Meal Plan
  • Diet Journal/Caloric Tracking Grid
  • Follow-up visit once a month $75.00
  • Physical examination
  • Continued Measurement of weight, body fat percentage (BMI)
  • Refill Weight loss RX
  • BP/Pulse Check
  • Lipotrophic Vitamin Injection (Lipotropic compounds are those which help catalyze the breakdown of fat during metabolism in the body)
  • Review Diet Journal

Coastal Care Medical Center

11761 Beach Blvd, Suite 8
Jacksonville, FL, 32246
Phone: 904-642-3304
Fax: 904-642-8375

Family Medicine:

Monday thru Friday 8am-5pm
Physical Medicine:
Monday thru Friday 8am-6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

If you are new to Coastal Plus Medical you can save time by printing our “New Patient”, paperwork and filling it out at home before your first visit.

Book An Appointment https://www.curemd.com